11 Quotes & Sayings By John Krasinski

John Krasinski is an Academy Award-nominated actor who is best known for his role as Jim Halpert on the NBC television series The Office. He has since made a transition to film and television, with a number of films under his belt, including the lead role in the critically acclaimed 2011 film The Paperboy, and a role as Adam Sackler on the HBO television series The West Wing. He also has a recurring role as Frank Parisi on the CBS sitcom The Crazy Ones.

I credit NTI, truthfully, with everything as far as where my head is and what my goals are and dreams are. I would say it was probably one of the most influential moments of my life, being there. John Krasinski
You can't do anything to be funny. That's cringeworthy. If your humor comes out of a place of love every time, you don't make the joke bigger than you. The funniest comedians are in touch with their emotional level. John Krasinski
My main focus is to always try to be myself first, and then, hey, if I wear a cool jacket, that's a bonus. John Krasinski
I wanted to be an English teacher. I wanted to do it for the corduroy jackets with patches on the side. When I got to college, as I was walking across campus one day, I ripped off a little flyer for this sketch-comedy group. It ended up being one of the greatest things I've ever done. John Krasinski
I wanted to be an English teacher. I wanted to do it for the corduroy jackets with patches on the side. John Krasinski
I planned on being an English teacher, but I don't know where that went. John Krasinski
Trophies and medals have never meant much to me. I've had amazing experiences, which let you feel like you've accomplished something. John Krasinski
I think one of the coolest things about the job is the level of trust we have for each other. The actors fully trust that the writers will write amazing episodes, and the writers trust that the actors will follow their instincts with the characters. John Krasinski
Being funny is one of my greatest strengths. I can make girls smile when they're down, and when they're having a good time, I can carry on the joke. John Krasinski
When people ask if I'm going to be sad that 'The Office' is over, they don't even understand the depth of that question for me. It's an era of my life. No one would have known my name if it wasn't for the show. John Krasinski